How to waste a cool design?

In-store advertising is a considerable investment especially for the big brands. Brands use a large part of their marketing budget to design and create visually impressive in-store advertising campaigns.

The potential of in-store advertising is vast, but on the other hand, most of the advertisements (approximately 95-98 % according to many eye-cam studies) in the store are completely missed out by the consumers.

Therefore in-store advertising done wrong is an effective way to waste not only a cool design, but also a lot of time and money.

Creating the campaign concept and design, followed by the printing and distribution of the materials sums up to most of the expenses (If professional installation and/or removal of the campaign materials is not required). Thus all of the investment would go to waste, if the materials are not put up correctly, in the right location or are in the worst case left totally un-installed.


Designing an in-store advertising campaign usually starts with planning and designing by the R&D and marketing teams, and might involve also the retailer. In many cases, the actual design of the campaign artworks and the concept is created in collaboration with an advertising agency.

When the design of the campaign is ready, it is time to decide all the advertising materials needed for executing the campaign. These can be for example displays, posters, stickers and roll-ups. It is also beneficial to consult the printing house on which materials and how to use in the campaign depending on the different locations.

A printing house then produces all the necessary materials and does the necessary post-press functions before the delivery of the materials to the stores.


Most often, when the advertisements end up at the store, it is up to the store personnel to set up the campaign. If the staff is very busy or installation of the campaign is challenging and time-consuming, the campaign is not going to be installed properly or at all.

There are various other duties in the store that the staff has to handle rather than using a lot of time and effort installing the in-store advertising campaign. All the hard work is going to waste if the advertisement is not visible at all or if it is placed in the wrong location.


Because standing out from the crowd in the store is challenging, brands have to use innovative and new ideas in order to attract consumer attention and promote the brand effectively. In addition, the campaigns should be easy-to-install and remove by the store staff so that all the hard work and cool design don’t get wasted.

Besides the design of the campaign, choosing the right advertising material has a big role in creating effective in-store advertising campaigns. That is why you shouldn’t save money in choosing the right material for your campaign. In the best case, this ensures that your campaign is installed properly, in the right location and that the materials are also removed quickly after the campaign or promotion has come to an end. Basically it can define your Return-on-Investment for your campaign.


We believe that in-store advertising should be both effective and easy to do. Read more about using glue-free stickers in in-store advertising from our eBook: “Benefits of a glue-free sticker for in-store advertising”.

Benefits of glue-free stickers

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