Promoting brewery products in stores – how is it done?

The amount of beer productions and breweries has skyrocketed in recent years – the amount of breweries in Europe has almost doubled in past ten years! The growth is often regarded as a trend phenomenon, “beer boom”, in which the popularity of microbreweries in Europe has grown significantly.

Due to the popularity growth, the number of competing products has also grown and microbrewery beers don’t stand out automatically in store shelves anymore. Standing out in store space for example with promoters and wobblers is getting even harder and other store spaces and surfaces should be used more effectively in new, innovative ways in order to stand out from the competitors.


Space and phenomenon’s as a part of advertisement planning

Effective in-store campaign planning should use big themes to their advantage, like upcoming celebrations (Christmas) or big events (like the football world cup). The celebration and event should be relevant to the target market area’s and country’s culture and customs. Big themes that are suitable for many target markets are more cost effective than planning many campaigns that only suit a small specific target market, since one campaign can be used in a wider area.

Traditionally the following things should be taken into account when planning an in-store advertising campaign:

  • How long will the campaign be?
  • What kind of traffic is there at the advertising location?
  • How close by to the advertising location do people walk?
  • What’s the purpose of the advertising material?
  • Who installs the advertising material?
  • Is it important for the material to be easy to take down after the campaign is over?

It’s important to use the area surrounding the products like walls and fridges also to your advantage in order to make your advertisement pop out. That’s why the product surroundings should also be one factor to include in the advertisement planning.


Bit or print – how to advertise?

Different digital advertising solutions like ad targeting based on analytics have recently invaded the traditionally print based field of in-store advertising. Traditional marketing materials are still very cost effective in in-store marketing and that’s why they will never be completely replaced by digital alternatives. In the future, we will most likely see more of completely new advertising solutions that combine printing and digital solutions.


Want to know more?

Download our free eBook “In-store advertising for brewery business” and learn more about different methods and solutions brewery business can use to advertise more effectively in stores responsibly.


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